Thursday, October 9, 2008

Stop Danie Krugel

Danie Krugel, probably South Africa's most well-known pseudoscientist, claims he has invented a device (a “Matter Orientation System”) that can find missing objects or people. Briefly, he claims putting a small sample of whatever needs to be found (a lock of hair to find a person, for example) into his device allows it to use "quantum mechanics" to pinpoint its location. Alas, there is no evidence whatsoever that this works and, moreover, the prior probability of his claims being true is extremely low. That is, he is making an extraordinary claim but has presented no real evidence. The South African and international media, however, has in many cases uncritically promoted Krugel and his device. As a result, many families of missing people have turned to Krugel for help and, in return, have received nothing but false hope followed by heartbreak.

It's time for us to Stop Danie Krugel.

Google juice: Danie Krugel, Danie Krügel, Krugel, Krügel, Stop Danie Krugel, Danie Krugel criticism, Danie Krugel sceptic, Danie Krugel facts, Danie Krügel facts.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this - the site is already moving up on the first page, so your 'google-juice' is doing the trick ;-)
