Monday, February 2, 2009

Blogging in South Africa

The results of the survey of the South African blogosphere I alerted my readers to back in August has finally been released. (Well, okay, released in December already. I'm not sure how I missed that one...). The results are fairly interesting overall, and here are some of the highlights (taken from the data pdf):
  • There are about as many male as female bloggers (Female: 51.8%, Male: 48.2% -- which is probably not a statistically significant difference).
  • SA bloggers are pretty well educated (compared to the rest of the population) -- 76% have at least a high school diploma, and well over 20% have post-graduate degrees.
  • Cape Town is South Africa's blogging capitol: nearly 40% of SA bloggers come from there, compared to just over 5% for Durban.
  • IT, media, and marketing-types dominate the SA blogosphere (which conforms to my anecdotal experience).
  • Pretty amazingly, 66% of SA bloggers have been on the internet for at least 10 years and nearly 20% have been blogging for 3 years or more.
  • The majority of the blogs surveyed were personal ones and a plurality of bloggers -- 36% -- started because they wanted 'to express themselves online'.
  • Nearly 10% say they get 5000 or more hits a month but fewer than 5% make at least R1000 off their blogs, and
  • Encouragingly, 20% of the participating bloggers say "voice of reason" best describes them.
A couple of quick notes: this survey is not a representative sample and so self-selection is likely a pretty serious problem. Also, a comparison to, say, US data would be instructive, but I don't have the patience.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. Thanks for that summary. 'Amen' to voice of reason.
