Tuesday, November 3, 2009

African science/skepticism blogrolling for October

For those of you new to my blog, I've for a long time now been trying to foster better cooperation and communication between those dedicated to science and reason on the African continent. Part of that initiative is our carnival, another is this blogroll (which is Africa wide, though it started as South African) and the last is our mailing list on Google Groups...

So this is the updated blogroll - there are quite a few new blogs, which is a very good thing. If you know of any more, please let me know and please consider adding the blogroll to your own blog. Also, please do a post like this one linking to everyone on the list - it promotes all of our blogs. 


  1. Thanks for the inclusion, Michael. I'll post something similar over the next day or so. Note, though, that Prometheus Unbound no longer exists - George is now blogging at Prometheus Liberated: http://georgeclaassen.wordpress.com/

  2. Thanks -- it seems the Liberated blog has also been deleted.

  3. George Claassen's latest blog (Prometheus Liberated) at http://georgeclaassen.wordpress.com has also been deleted. That makes two blog disappearances in as many fortnights. Maybe he's being threatened or blackmailed over the religion-in-public-schools issue.

  4. ...and I should read previous comments more carefully. *Blush*

  5. @Con-Tester: yeah, I'm wondering what the issue is as well. Very weird - it seems unlike George to delete his blog.

    Honestly, I can't see him deleting over threats - but, yeah, maybe blackmail or something. I wonder...

  6. Thanks so much for counting me in!

  7. Thanks for the new blogs! I updated my blogroll as well.

    PS. Bullshit Fatigue and Irreverence also seem to be down...
