Thursday, August 21, 2008

South African Science Blogging update

Earlier this month, I launched an initiative to foster better cooperation and communication between South African science bloggers. I made three suggestions - that we exchange email addresses to foster communication, that we start a monthly science / skepticism carnival and that we create a common blogroll. I am happy to report that there has been progress on all three fronts.

As should be clear from my previous post, I've decided to call our carnival the "Carnival of the Africans". The name might not be the world's most imaginative, but it's fairly descriptive and quite memorable. (Complain if you wish but, excepting unanimous revulsion, the name stays). You may recall that I originally envisioned a South African carnival, but I think a broader, Africa-wide, scope is tolerable (because of the small number of African science blogs) and necessary (for the same reason). If you are an African blogger, please write up something suitable (see the guidelines) or rustle up something from your archives and submit it to me ( for inclusion in the first edition scheduled for August 28th. If you're not an African blogger, you're more than welcome to participate also; I'd prefer a science or skepticism piece on something to do with Africa, but I'll consider everything.

If you have contacted me previously, you should shortly receive an email listing the participating South African science bloggers and their email addresses. If you would like to be added to the email list, please contact me at

If you look at my blog, at bottom-right, you'll see I've added the SA Science Blogroll to my page and I strongly encourage you to do the same. (Just remember to include Ionian Enchantment as well! Obviously, I haven't put my own blog in my blogroll). There are eleven SA science blogs on the list so far:

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