Wednesday, September 10, 2008


One of the most disorientating things about blogging - especially when starting out - is the huge number of services available to promote your blog, keep track of readers, attract new readers, find out who's linking to your blog and so on and so forth. A couple of services, however, are a must: Technorati, FeedBurner and Google Analytics are all examples. I have recently discovered another service that is certainly a must for African bloggers: Afrigator. (Note the funky "I am an African Blogger" button on my blog. It's at right, just below the atheist "A").

Afrigator is a bit like Technorati for African bloggers, but it has a bunch of other cool features. Like Technorati, Afrigator ranks the top African blogs, counts the number of links between registered blogs ("Gator Love"), and aggregates posts, highlighting important stories. Afrigator also serves as a RSS reader and a traffic counter to boot. Check out my blog's public listing (I'm 367th in South Africa and 566th in Africa... Hooray).

If you're an African blogger, I certainly recommend joining.


  1. Hi Michael - welcome to Afrigator. Glad to see you're finding value in the service already ;)

  2. Thanks for those kind words mate! Hope we can forever improve on our offerings! If ever you need help, just shout!

  3. Ugh, sorry, that previous comment was mine! Its a dof Thursday I'm having!
